Featured in Robert Gordon University News
June 20, 2017I have been featured in a blog post on the Robert Gordon University Website. The post is about the work that I have done throughout my course at Gray’s School of Art and the upcoming degree show.
View an excerpt of the blog post below:
David Rae (21), who is studying Painting at Gray’s School of Art, has unveiled the culmination of four years’ hard work at the annual Degree Show, which runs until Saturday, June 24.
He is showcasing a selection of his work which is landscape-based and focuses on his interests outside of his studies, predominantly sport-related.“I always wanted to go to art school but more specifically I wanted to focus solely on painting and this course gave me that opportunity,” he said.
“I loved the feeling of the place when I had my interview and I’m still extremely pleased with Gray’s as my chosen Art School.
“My work has always been very landscape based, current influences often include my interests outwith painting. Sport is a large theme in my work at the present moment and some places from my childhood feature in certain paintings.”
Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen